Slides and handouts are frequently made available to delegates attending medical congresses.
In an effort to provide additional value, slides are posted in our slide library, often
associated with the topic covered in a report. As a certified healthcare professional, you
may view the slides therein and download them for peer presentation or patient counselling purposes.
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - Toronto, Ontario / May 3-9, 2008
Improving Diagnosis and Safety: An Inside View of Recent Advances and Safety Developments in High-resolution Vascular and Cardiac MRI
Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2007 - Washington, DC / October 20-25, 2007
Contrast Agents: Hemodynamics, Electrolytes and Acute Kidney Injury
56th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology - New Orleans, Louisiana / March 25-28, 2007
Controlling LDL and Atherosclerosis: Corroborative Evidence
Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2006 - Vancouver, British Columbia / October 21-25, 2006
New Guidelines for Lipids: Clinical and Biological Evidence
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