
Slides and handouts are frequently made available to delegates attending medical congresses. In an effort to provide additional value, slides are posted in our slide library, often associated with the topic covered in a report. As a certified healthcare professional, you may view the slides therein and download them for peer presentation or patient counselling purposes.

57th Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychiatric Association - Montreal, Quebec / November 15-17, 2007

Considering Comorbid ADHD in Adults with Mood Disorders

Based on the following article: Williams et al. American Journal on Addictions 2004;13:381-9 -

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Assessing the Risks of Treatment Misuse and Abuse

2007 Annual Conference of the Canadian Pain Society - Ottawa, Ontario / May 23-26, 2007

Addressing the Triad of Pain, Psychological Symptoms and Sleep Disturbance

2007 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting - San Diego, California / May 19-24, 2007

Early Intervention, Compliance and Remission in Schizophrenia

160th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association - San Diego, California / May 19-24, 2007

Long-term Improvements in Adolescents with ADHD

15th European Congress of Psychiatry - Madrid, Spain / March 17-21, 2007

Cardiovascular Risk and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Schizophrenia

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