The following list of reports reflects the latest in findings and outcomes in medical research as presented at major medical meetings and published peer-reviewed medical journals. In this section you can view reports from important congresses as well as summaries of some recently published journal articles. Please let us know if you have a particular area of interest you would like to see covered.
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - Annual Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)
Management of Axial Disease in Patients with PsA and SpA Pandemic
Atlanta, Georgia / November 8-13, 2019
Atlanta – The spine was in the spotlight at the ACR meeting in Atlanta. Axial psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and axial spondyloarthitis (SpA) featured in more than 200 posters and sessions, including landmark studies in neglected areas....
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - Options X for the Control of Influenza (ISIRV 2019)
Ground-breaking Science in Seasonal Influenza Arms the World to Fight Next Pandemic
Singapore / August 28-September 1, 2019
Singapore – The next influenza pandemic is “a matter of when not if,” according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in its Global Influenza Strategy 2019–2030. Despite seven decades of advances in flu research,...
FRONTIERES MEDICALES - Options X for the Control of Influenza (ISIRV 2019)
Une percée technologique dans la lutte contre la grippe saisonnière protégera le monde contre la prochaine pandémie
Singapour / 28 août-1er septembre 2019
Singapour – Selon la Stratégie mondiale de lutte contre la grippe 2019-2030 de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), la prochaine pandémie de grippe est une certitude ; seul le moment est...
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - Options X for the Control of Influenza (ISIRV 2019)
Bahnbrechende Erkenntnisse bei saisonaler Grippe wappnen die Welt für die nächste Pandemie
Singapur / 28. August – 1. September 2019
Singapur – „Dass es eine nächste Grippepandemie geben wird“, steht laut der Globalen Influenzastrategie 2019–2030 der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) völlig außer Frage. Obwohl in den letzten sieben...
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - Options X for the Control of Influenza (ISIRV 2019)
Innovazioni tecnologiche sull'influenza stagionale per proteggere il mondo dalla prossima pandemia
Singapore / 28 agosto - 1 settembre 2019
Singapore – Secondo l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) la prossima pandemia influenzale è solo questione di tempo (Global Influenza Strategy 2019–2030). Nonostante settant'anni di progressi nella ricerca...
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - Options X for the Control of Influenza (ISIRV 2019)
Las innovaciones científicas en la gripe estacional arman al mundo para combatir la siguiente pandemia
Singapur / 28 de agosto – 1 de septiembre de 2019
Singapur – Si hablamos de la siguiente pandemia de gripe, “la cuestión no es si la habrá, sino cuándo,” según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en su Estrategia Mundial contra la...
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - Options X for the Control of Influenza (ISIRV 2019)
Inovações científicas na influenza sazonal dão ao mundo armas para lutar contra a próxima pandemia
Singapura / 28 de agosto a 1º de setembro de 2019
Singapura – De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), na sua Estratégia Global contra a Influenza 2019-2030, a dúvida quanto à próxima pandemia de influenza não...
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - Options X for the Control of Influenza (ISIRV 2019)
Ground-breaking Science in Seasonal Influenza Arms the World to Fight Next Pandemic
Singapore / August 28-September 1, 2019
Singapore – The next influenza pandemic is “a matter of when not if,” according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in its Global Influenza Strategy 2019–2030. Despite seven decades of advances in flu research,...
MEDICAL FRONTIERS - EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology
Changing Landscape in the Treatment of Axial Disease in Patients with Axial PsA and axSpA
Madrid, Spain / June 12-15, 2019
Madrid – Axial manifestations are present in a high proportion (25%-75%) of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). NSAIDs continue to be the mainstay of treatment in the early phases of axial PsA and axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA)....